5 Components of The Enchanted Child

5 Components of the Enchanted Parent Method

  • Finding your parenting power - Everyone has natural a parenting style. Unfortunately it can be based on what didn't work for you as a child. Your own childhood blueprint will create a paradigm of doing everything opposite of what you didn't like as a child, vs. what your child needs. What is necessary and learned in this step is to learn exactly the kind of parenting your child requires and for you to be your genuine self and parent from there. ​

  • Partner Relating- The way each parent relates to the child is important. This is for parents who live under one roof or not. Children are extremely sensitive, and learn more from the environment and energy around them, than what is "taught" to them. The natural ways parents relate does not have to change, tweaks and refinement is enough to create a healthy intimate home. In this mindfully set space, children learn how to show up in the world, gender, race and responses are created here. Conditions and healthy attachment is developed with healthy intimate relations. If partner relating is not possible, awareness of how partners/parents relate is important.

  • Building Play Muscles - "Take play out of the mix, and like the oxygen deprived cyanotic, the relationship becomes a survival endurance contest." National Institute for Play Play is a muscle, if it's not used or built up it atrophies. There is an epidemic of a lack of intentional, mindful and purposeful play. Parents who "teach" their children often get frustrated, and children don't listen. Integrating play as a family value is critical for ease and the ability to relate. When children relate, they listen, they follow directions, they grow socially, emotionally, cognitively and in all realms of where children and adults thrive.  

  • Communication - Learning communication beyond words is a skill. During highly charged emotional states, adults lose their ability to connect and read all other forms of communication. Children's behaviors are symptoms of their environment. Children are constantly giving information and letting parents know what they need. It is a learned skill to "read" this type of communicating. There is no such thing as "fixing a child." Fixing children and showing them how to do the right thing, is old paradigm it's based on power struggling, disconnect and making the child wrong, by teaching them a lesson. Leading with understanding behavior as communication brings in the element of curiosity. 

  • Mindset- The mindset of a parent and family are crucial. It can be the same exact situation, with an alternate perspective and the whole dynamic and relationship can change. Once frustration and stuck is present in a family, it's impossible to get out without a neutral party. Patterns form and no one wins. These patterns trigger feelings of lack, guilt, worry, shame, bitterness, and look like exhaustion and overwhelm. ​

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