Men and women reach out to Shane for Truth Booth sessions because they would like insight for a situation that needs guidance and clarity ASAP.

Shane guides with her intuitive questions, so you can see the same situations with an alternative lens. She listens, and interrupts when she sees a behavior that is worth going deeper into.

Mining for gold and opening this enchanted door. She is here to guide you to reveal deeper truths.

This brings you the ability to illuminate practical decision-making, to get you to move forward in your unique journey with the current situation and beyond.

Many people turn to have these sessions whenever they need, on an ongoing basis

The remarkable ability Shane has to paint a bigger picture, is a game changer.

Each session is 45 minutes.


Shane conveys information to you with great clarity. You will submit your topic/situation/question before your actual session. You will leave this session with gems and information to ponder and at least one clear action to take.


In your sacred time Shane will ask questions that will have you curious about the situation that you are seeking clarity on. You'll write this question down and get curious with it, before your follow up session

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